There are three options that we recommend: The Harvey Center, Thinking Storm, and TurnItIn.
Synchronous help in-person or via Zoom with the Harvey Center for Learning and Writing. The Harvey offers more in-depth help with writing papers and learning to become a better writer - not basic proofreading.
RadfordU uses ThinkingStorm, an online tutoring system where students can submit papers to be proofread and checked within 24 hours. To submit your paper for proofreading, follow these steps:
Contact Harvey Center for help or with questions regarding the online resource ThinkingStorm (previously NetTutor).
TurnItIn for automated similarity reports if you have a concern that you accidentally plagiarized. You can submit a paper to the "TurnItIn - Self Check Draft Submissions" D2L module for instant feedback. Enroll in this module via the Discover tab in D2L. If you'd like to read more general information about how to avoid plagiarism, check out our Avoiding Plagiarism LibGuide.
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