Answered By: Lisa Vassady
Last Updated: Jan 29, 2025     Views: 733

You can check out as many books and DVDs as you would like. And most items are fine-free! However, replacement costs will be assessed for all items once they become extremely overdue, and can be cleared with either payment in full, or by return of the items. Charges may be assessed to any patron if items are damaged beyond normal wear and tear.

  • Main collection books and back issues of journals and magazines may be borrowed for 28 days by undergraduates, public patrons, and family members; until the end of the current term* by graduate students and GTFs; and for 6 months* by faculty and staff. There are no late fines. *Loan periods are subject to being reduced to 28 days if items are needed by other library patrons
  • Popular Reading books and DVDs may be borrowed for 28 days by all patrons. 
  • Audiovisual equipment may be borrowed by current Radford University and RUC students and employees only. Equipment circulates for 7 days and overdue fines for students are $5 per day.
  • Course Reserves circulate on either an hourly or daily basis, depending on the particular item. Late fines for students are 25 cents per hour for hourly checkouts; and $1 per day for daily checkouts.

We send notification of overdue materials, fines, and bills to you by email. Please let us know if you have any changes to your email address, mailing address, or phone number.

Please be aware that Teaching Resources Center loan periods and overdue fine policies differ from University Libraries loan periods and overdue fine policies.

For more information, visit: Radford University Libraries - Services - Checking Out Materials & Loan Periods and Fines

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